Monday, 2 September 2013

On the run..

Now that the kids have finally gone back to school and aren't littering the streets with their bikes etc I can finally start running again! Okay, the kids being out may have been a bit of an excuse not to do it.. Anyway, I've always wanted to be able to class myself as a 'runner' and lets be honest none of us would say no to a hot runner's body. I originally bought all the running gear - trainers, top and bottoms, special running socks, trainers and water bottle - a while ago for around £80. I know, it sounds expensive but I know I'd rather pay out the money and avoid injury. I used to be one of those people who just thought "Ahh I'll go running in my normal trainers" but this is probably the worst thing you could do and would no doubt have sore feet and legs in the morning. 

Excuse my messy room, I did warn you in the last post! In this picture I pretty much am an ambassador for Karrimor. The top is really good and has a built in sports bra, although I usually wear a normal bra underneath as well just for a little more support. The bottoms breathe really well at the back of your legs (which is great for my sensitive skin) only downside is that they have no pockets except for a little one round the back (strangest place to put a pocket ever). I'm even wearing Karrimor socks! I think I got a tad roped into the whole Karrimor brand whilst buying my stuff..


Just a few pictures from my run, well more my little walk after my run :) I felt a tad silly wearing sunglasses to run, but It's so so so bright out today, and roasting so thought what the hell. I really wanted to run across this field I saw on my way out, but some other people got down there first and I have a little bit of a complex of thinking people are watching me run, so went across the train bridge by my house to have a wander.

 Now for the technical (kinda) bit. I used to use the MapMyRun app to record my runs, but I saw one of my friends using the Nike+ app (free on Google Play store) and decided to give it a try as it seemed to give more info. You can even sync it up to Facebook and if anyone likes the post, you get a little cheer through the app (this is apparently supposed to make you more determined..). But either way here are a couple screenshots from the app.

The app records your distance, time, calories burned and also how many minutes per mile. This wasn't a particularly long run as it was absolutely roasting out and my first in quite a while but 12.07 minutes per mile isn't bad for what I think is my fourth ever run! I will admit I got a tad lazy when I first bought the stuff and it's barely been used.. but I promise you all I will to try and run at least three times a week! and might post a little screenshot on another post if I remember, or improve.

Any other runners out there? Would love to read about your experiences :)

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