Thursday, 29 August 2013

Autumn is the time for new hair!

So while trawling through Pinterest which I tend to do most days I decided to check out some new hair ideas. I've been blonde since May time now and I'm spending way too much money on maintaining it as my hair seems to grow so darn fast. I've been toying with the idea of going gingery, just because I haven't (intentionally) been it before. I keep going back and forth with it, as it's taken me so long to actually get my hair this light. Ah girl problems, the stuff we have to deal with hey? These are a couple pictures of what's convincing me take the plunge to gingery, and also some cool styles I'm thinking of trying for Autumn.

As we all know the lovely British Autumn is just three or four months of wind and gloomy rain, I'm probably going to become very best friends with my enrapture rollers and I love these different takes on ponytails. Anything to make sure the windswept look won't look horrid! Think if I don't go ginger I'll probably try my hand a bit of dip dye :)

Any other trends you've seen for Autumn hair so far?

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